Documentation > User Guide > Workflow models
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Publishing workflow models

About workflow publications

Once a workflow model is defined, it must be published in order to enable authorized users to launch associated data workflows. This is done by clicking the Publish button in the navigation pane.

If no sub-workflow invocation steps are included in the current workflow model, you have the option of publishing other workflow models at the same time on the publication page. If the current workflow model contains sub-workflow invocation steps, it must be published alone.

Workflow models can be published several times. A publication is identified by its publication name

Publishing and workflow model snapshots

When publishing a workflow model, a snapshot is taken of its current state. A label and a description can be specified for the snapshot to be created. The default snapshot label is the date and time of the publication. The default description indicates the user who published the workflow model.

For each workflow model being published, the specified publication name must be unique. If a workflow model has already been published, it is possible to update an existing publication by reusing the same publication name. The names of existing workflow publications associated with a given workflow model are available in a drop-down menu. In the case of a publication update, the old version is no longer available for launching data workflows, however it will be used to terminate existing workflows. The content of different versions can be viewed in the workflow model snapshot history.

Sub-workflows in publications

When publishing a workflow model containing sub-workflow invocation steps, it is not necessary to separately publish the models of the sub-workflows. From an administration standpoint, the model of the main workflow (the one currently published by a user) and the models of the sub-workflows are published as a single entity.

The multiple publication is not available for a workflow model containing sub-workflow invocation steps. This is why the first step of the publication (selection of workflow models to publish) is not offered in this case.

Republishing the main workflow model automatically updates the invoked sub-workflow models.

Although a sub-workflow model can be published separately as a main workflow model, this will not update the version used by an already published main workflow model using this sub-workflow.

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Documentation > User Guide > Workflow models