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Creating a dataspace


By default, dataspaces in TIBCO EBX® are in semantic mode. This mode offers full-featured data life cycle management.

To create a new dataspace in the default semantic mode, select an existing dataspace on which to base it, then click the Create a dataspace button in the workspace.


This area is available only to authorized users in the 'Advanced perspective'.

The new dataspace will be a child dataspace of the one from which it was created. It will be initialized with all the content of the parent at the time of creation, and an initial snapshot will be taken of this state.

Aside from the reference dataspace, which is the root of all semantic dataspaces in the repository, semantic dataspaces are always a child of another dataspace.

See also


The following information is required at the creation of a new dataspace:


Unique identifier for the dataspace.


Owner of the dataspace, who is, by default, allowed to modify its information and permissions. The owner does not necessarily have to be the creator of the dataspace.


Localized label and description associated with the dataspace.

Relational mode

Whether or not this dataspace is in relational mode. This option only exists when creating a new dataspace from the reference dataspace.

Relational mode

Dataspaces in relational mode can only be created from the reference dataspace. They offer limited functionality compared to dataspaces in semantic mode. For instance, dataspaces in relational mode do not handle snapshots or support child dataspaces.

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