To generate a WSDL for accessing data, select 'Data' in the navigation panel in the Data Services area, then follow through the steps of the wizard:
Choose whether the WSDL will be for operations at the dataset level or at the table level.
Identify the dataspace and dataset on which the operations will be run
Select the tables on which the operations are authorized, as well as the operations permitted.
Download the generated WSDL file by clicking the button Download WSDL.
The following operations can be performed using the WSDL generated for operations at the dataset level:
Select dataset content for a dataspace or snapshot.
Get dataset changes between dataspaces or snapshots
Replication unit refresh
The following operations, if selected, can be performed using the WSDL generated for operations at the table level:
Insert record(s)
Select record(s)
Update record(s)
Delete record(s)
Count record(s)
Get changes between dataspace or snapshot
Get credentials
Run multiple operations on tables in the dataset
To generate a WSDL for dataspace-level operations, selecting 'Dataspace' in the navigation panel of the Data Services area. The generated WSDL is generic to all dataspaces, thus no additional information is required.
Download the generated WSDL file by clicking the button Download WSDL.
The following operations can be performed using the WSDL generated for operations at the dataspace level:
Create a dataspace
Close a dataspace
Create a snapshot
Close a snapshot
Merge a dataspace
Lock a dataspace
Unlock a dataspace
Validate a dataspace or a snapshot
Validate a dataset
To generate a WSDL to control data workflows, select 'Data workflow' from the Data Services area. The generated WSDL is not specific to any particular workflow publication, thus no additional information is required.
Download the generated WSDL file by clicking the button Download WSDL.
Start a data workflow
Resume a data workflow
End a data workflow
To generate a WSDL for lineage, select 'Lineage' from the Data Services area. It will be based on authorized profiles that have been defined by an administrator in the 'Lineage' section of the Administration area.
The operations available for accessing tables are the same as for WSDL for operations on data.
Steps for generating the WSDL for lineage are as follows:
Select the profile whose permissions will be used. The selected user or role must be authorized for use with lineage by an administrator.
Identify the dataspace and dataset on which the operations will be run
Select the tables on which the operations are authorized, as well as the operations permitted.
Download the generated WSDL file by clicking the button Download WSDL.
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