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Supported XPath syntax


The XPath notation used in TIBCO EBX® must conform to the abbreviated syntax of the XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0 standard, with certain restrictions. This document details the abbreviated syntax that is supported.

Example expressions

The general XPath expression is:


Absolute path


Relative paths



Root and descendant paths


Table paths with predicates

../../books/[author_id = 0101 and (publisher = 'harmattan')]

/library/books/[not(publisher = 'dumesnil')]

Complex predicates

starts-with(col3,'xxx') and ends-with(col3,'yyy') and osd:is-not-null(./col3))

contains(col3 ,'xxx') and ( not(col1=100) and date-greater-than(col2,'2007-12-30') )

Predicates on label

osd:label(./delivery_date)='12/30/2014' and ends-with(osd:label(../adress),'Beijing - China')

Predicates on record label

osd:contains-record-label('dumesnil') or osd:contains-record-label('harmattan')

Syntax specifications for XPath expressions





XPath expression

<container path>[predicate]


<container path>

<absolute path> or <relative path>

<absolute path>

/a/b or //b


<relative path>

../../b, ./b or b


Predicate specification





Example: A and (B or not(C)) A,B,C: <atomic expression>

Composition of: logical operators parentheses, not() and atomic expressions.

<atomic expression>

<path><comparator><criterion> or method(<path>,<criterion>)

royalty = 24.5

starts-with(title, 'Johnat')

booleanValue = true


<relative path> or osd:label(<relative path>)

Relative to the table that contains it:



<boolean comparator>, <numeric comparator> or <string comparator>

<boolean comparator>

= or !=

<numeric comparator>

=!=<, >, <=, or >=

<string comparator>



<date method>, <string method>, osd:is-null method or osd:is-not-null method

<date, time & dateTime method>

date-less-than, date-equal or date-greater-than

<string method>

matches, starts-with, ends-with, contains, osd:is-empty, osd:is-not-empty, osd:is-empty-or-nil, osd:is-neither-empty-nor-nil, osd:is-equal-case-insensitive, osd:starts-with-case-insensitive, osd:ends-with-case-insensitive, osd:contains-case-insensitive, or osd:contains-record-label


<boolean criterion>, <numeric criterion>, <string criterion>, <date criterion>, <time criterion>, or <dateTime criterion>

<boolean criterion>


<numeric criterion>

An integer or a decimal


<string criterion>

Quoted character string


<date criterion>

Quoted and formatted as 'yyyy-MM-dd'


<time criterion>

Quoted and formatted as 'HH:mm:ss' or 'HH:mm:ss.SSS'


<dateTime criterion>

Quoted and formatted as 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS'


XPath 1.0 formula

It is possible to use an XPath 1.0 formula in the criterion value part of an atomic predicate expression (right-hand side).

For example, instead of [./a=3], you may use the expression [./a=(floor(./d)+ 2.0)].

Predicate on label

The osd:label() function can be applied to the path portion of the atomic predicate, in order to resolve the predicate on the label instead of the value. In this case, only string operators and string criteria can be used, i.e. ends-with(osd:label(./price),'99').

A predicate on label is localized, so the criterion must be expressed in the same locale as the predicate-filtered request. For example: request.setLocale(Locale.FRENCH); request.setXPathFilter("osd:label(./delivery_date)='30/12/2014'");


It is forbidden to use the osd:label function if the right part of the predicate is a contextual value.


If the osd:label function is used in a data model, for example on a selection or in the filter predicate of a table reference node, the default locale of the data model (as defined in its module declaration) must be used for the criterion format (even though this is generally not recommended).

Contextual values

For predicates that are relative to a selected node, the criterion value (that is, the right-hand side of the predicate) can be replaced with a contextual path using the syntax ${<relative-path>} where <relative-path> is the location of the element relative to the selected node.


When calling a method, the criterion is the second parameter, and the first parameter cannot be a relative value.

Aggregated lists

For predicates on aggregated lists, the predicate returns true regardless of the comparator if one of the list elements verifies the predicate.


Special attention must be paid to the comparator !=. For example, for an aggregated list, ./list != 'a' is not the same as not(./list = 'a'). Where the list contains the elements (e1,e2,..), the first predicate is equivalent to e1 != 'a' or e2 != 'a' ..., while the second is equivalent to e1 != 'a' and e2 != 'a' ....

'Null' values

Null values must be explicitly treated in a predicate using the operators osd:is-null and osd:is-not-null.

For example, /root/products[./price<100] or /root/products[./price!=100] will not return any products whose prices are not set (null). For the latter case to return unset values as well, the predicate must instead be: /root/products[./price!=100 or osd:is-null(./price)].

How to manage single and double quotes in literal expressions

By default, a literal expression is delimited by single quotes ('). If the literal expression contains single quotes and no double quotes, the expression must be delimited by double quotes ("). If the literal expression contains both single and double quotes, the single quotes must be doubled.

Examples of using encodeLiteralStringWithDelimiters

Value of Literal Expression

Result of this method



Coeur d'Alene

"Coeur d'Alene"

He said: "They live in Coeur d'Alene".

'He said: "They live in Coeur d''Alene".'

Extraction of foreign keys

The standard XPath syntax has been extended so as to extract the value of any targeted primary key field.


If the table /root/tableA has an osd:tableRef field named 'fkB' whose target is /root/tableB and the primary key of tableB has two fields, id of type xs:int and date of type xs:date, then the following expressions would be valid:

Documentation > Reference Manual > Integration